How long does it take to process an application for an au pair ?
It can vary from one to three weeks depending on the time of year and the availability of our candidates.
How are your au pair candidates chosen ?
We present you with a shortlist of au pair candidates that have been carefully selected by our partner agencies abroad before being validated by us. All candidates must be mature, adaptable, open-minded and have previous experience working with children.
What nationalities are the candidates ?
Our young au pair candidates come from the UK, France, Germany, Ireland, Canada, USA, Italy and other countries from Europe.
How many candidates do you shortlist ?
We send you three to four au pair candidate profiles reserved exclusively for your consideration for 48 hours.
Do we have to give the au pair pocket money ?
It is customary to give your au pair some pocket money for their personal expenses (leisure, classes, etc.). The amount given is usually between $6 to 7 per hour.
What if we are not happy with our au pair ?
Differences in culture and language can sometimes be the source of misunderstandings and communication problems, which can affect the quality of your relations. In this case, we help you to analyze the situation and clear up any misunderstandings.
If there is a real problem of incompatibility or a serious cause for concern, you can terminate the contract with your au pair, with the given period of notice. In all cases, you should contact us before making your decision.
What are we expected to provide for our au pair ?
You should provide your au pair with a bedroom and bathroom (or otherwise shared use of a bathroom with the children) and use of the telephone by mutual agreement.
When should I apply to be an au pair ?
We advise you to apply at least three months before you plan to leave.
What is the average length of stay ?
Short stays are less than three months while long stays can vary between 4 and 12 months.
Is a job as an au pair covered by an employment contract ?
No, work as an au pair is a “cultural exchange program”. It is not a contract of employment. However we will provide you with a contract between you and the family and you will however by all means be able to state your experience as an au pair in your professional profile.
If I don’t get on with my host family, do I have to stay ?
If you encounter major problems with your host family, you can as a last resort terminate your contract (after the given period of notice). But we will help you to analyze the situation and clear up any misunderstandings in order to avoid having to take such a step.